Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Nude House of Wacky People

Sometimes I do odd jobs for people now and then to make a little extra money or to help out a friend or neighbor and the question I get aked the most is, How do you know how to do all of this stuff? The whole story is much to lenghty and most of the time I just say it comes from years of doing it and I leave out the details. Beyond the fact that I watched my father do most of the stuff that I know how to do, as he watched his father. I didn't really DO any of it until the summer of 1989. That is when the "house" began. It started as a slight oversight by two able and unqualified builders ("people"), who were building a new garage for their parents. After many hours of pains-taking labor finally lifted the final wall up to square and plum only to discover that an eight foot wall means that you must trim an eight foot stud to allow for the bottom plate and two top plates which is a total of 4 and a half inches. Insead of tearing the whole thing down it was much easier to take off the top plate and saw each stud down to the right length and then put the top plate back on. The list of "wacky" things that have happen since then are not only more numberous to count but would be more lengthy to explain. The tradition has continued to this day. As I have been remodeling my current house I continue to build and the wackyness is ever-present. I have also been informed of the other builder and his trouble with his remodel of his house. So when you are building or remodeling your house and something ends up not plum, or not square, if you cut a board twice and it is still too short, remember the "Nude House of Wacky People" and you will be able to live with the wackyness. Why such an odd title? you may ask well, the word nude always attracks attention, and the rest you know. (Originally this name was used for a very very funny SNL sketch and I must give credit to them for such a wonderful name)


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Anna said...

Wackiness is the spice of life.

At 7:29 AM, Blogger Otto said...

I don't remember having to take off the top plate. I must have blocked it.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger wendysue said...

The "Nude" brought me in. . . I found you from a blog from a blog from a blog. Anyway, my husband and his Dad are doing a huge remodeling project on our upstairs. It seems like everytime I go up there, they are measuring something and say "Close enough." I think when we're all done (never) I'll hang a banner up that says "Close enough."!!

At 11:11 PM, Blogger Chad said...

I share your practice of odd jobs. I get asked the same questions. I give similar answers but I wasn't privy to the garage project or the other remodeling experiences you've had. Still, the wackiness finds it's way into some of the things I do. That's why I always add 20% to everything; cost, materials, time, etc. Then in the end it all comes out ok.

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At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't even know you had a blog. Or maybe I didn't remember people had mentioned reading yours. Truely the wife is always the last to know:) I agree with Teresa, you need to update your blog. Also, you once commented to me that I couldn't POSSIBLY remember things that happened to me when I was one, or two and yet your write about your experience with TG and Chad's birth. Oh well. Wackiness is the spice of life, especially when one lives with you:) Yes, women do love a handyman, and I love you with all my kidney. Our life is one of special NESS.


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