Saturday, July 16, 2005

My Earliest Memory

My earliest memory is when I was 2 years, 2 months, and 3 days old. It was 36 years ago today, July 16th 1969. I know it is cliché but, I remember it like it was yesterday. What made this date stick in my memory, who knows? You may think the thing I remember most was the pictures on the television of the launch of the 1st Apollo mission to actually land on the Moon. No, the thing I remember most was standing on a balcony of a Tacoma General Hospital room and looking southeast and telling my dad that I think I can see the rocket from here. I had never been so high up and it seemed liked I could see forever. In actuality I was probably only on the 3rd or 4th floor, but TG Hospital is on a hill and in that direction you can see quite far. Why was I in the hospital? We were there to pick up my mom who had just given birth to my brother Chad. So in remembrance of my earliest memory, I say with all sincerity, Happy Birthday Chad!


At 4:15 PM, Blogger Otto said...

I remember telling one of my grade school teachers that my brother was born on the same day that the said rocket blasted off, and that my mom watched the rocket from the window of the hospital room. She said, "Oh, was your brother born in Houston?" I said, "No. He was born in Tacoma, but she could see it from there." I now see my error. I'm glad to get that cleared up.

At 8:10 PM, Blogger Chad said...

Being born on that day and particularly before the actual launch has been something of a fun thing for me. I can claim to be pre-space age. Of course now that I'm getting older that seem less and less cool. I don't remember a thing about it though. Thanks for sharing that memeory and for the birthday wishes.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Anna said...

I was only 1 year 1 month and 1 week old, but I thought I remembered actually seeing the launch from the window also. I guess it was on TV.


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